I could not decide which image I liked better of my dog, Miley. She does this head tilt that I love. Usually, if i say "dog park "she tilts her head as if she's . Its adorable. The second picture, she just looks so cute ad innocent. So today I have two photos of my furbaby, Miley! Love you Moo Moo!
Last night, Erik and I went to the KU basketball game. They played UMKC so it was blowout but still a lot of fun. We had great seats in the student section since not all students were here due to winter break. Erik even caught me a t-shirt that Big Jay threw into the crowd.
Check out my layout that is published in Gingerscrap Street Magazine Article. How exciting. There's also several pages of Lollipop Press layouts using the Chic & Shabby Kit. Look out at the end of next week for my awesome layouts using both of the Lollipop Press February Kits, including Woodland Winter. Also be sure to visit the Lollipop Blog and become a fan on Facebook to stay up on all the recent news. Exciting news, including a blog hop is coming soon!
I just joined a book club. Wow I feel old. I have never been a huge reader but I would like to read more than one book a year. So our first book is "The First Hour I Believed" by Wally Lamb. My friend, Trish, picked it out as it is part of the Johnson County Library's book club to go. I hope it is good. I have not started the book yet but plan to soon. Has anyone else read this book? Opinions? I will let you know what I think when I'm done :)
Recently, I have had baby rabies...meaning I have been wanting to have a little baby of our own. I'm sure a lot of this is because our nephew was born in July and my friend, Lindsay, had a little boy in November.  No we are NOT expecting at this time, but I think it's fun to look up baby names. I have a few names I really like and well Erik says he doesn't like them so it'll be interesting when we actually have a baby. It'll be tough to agree on a name I bet. Well recently I really like baby names starting with "E". Maybe I'm partial since my name and my husbands name begins with "E" and I think it sounds good with our last name. So today i was searching "E" baby names for fun. This website is pretty cool if you are looking!
My favorite Christmas Present was from my sisters! It's a Bamboo Pen Tablet. You connect it to your computer and draw on it and it shows up on your computer! How cool is that? I can't wait to use it in Photoshop for digital scrapbooking and editing photos. I also plan to take a Pen Tablet Class at Jessica Sprague.
Look forward to posting some of my creations with this bad boy soon! Happy Monday!
So I don't think my diet has gotten off to a great start! I found a new yummy candy. These Peanut Butter Dove Promises Candy were on sale the other day so I picked up a bag. I typically prefer Reese's Peanut Butter Cups but decided to branch out.  The fun thing about Dove candy is the insightful saying on the inside. I especially liked this saying today, "Joy is contagious."
I definitely agree with this saying. When I am around happy people, I am more likely to be happy and enjoy myself. For example, this weekend I enjoyed hanging out with my family and friends for the New Years Holiday, especially since most were joyful and happy.  What other sayings do you think are true?
Happy New Year all! Since it's the New Year, I have decided to start a photo 365 project, in which you take one photo every day for a year. It makes me nervous to make such a long term commitment, but hopefully I can stick with it. I am going to try to post each picture here on my blog. I will try to post every day but I'm sure I will combine days sometimes. I plan on using my Canon 60d for these pictures, but if life gets in the way I will at least use my phone or point and shoot to try to stay on task.  My goal for this project is to capture my every day life through photographs. Although, not every day is exciting, it's still important to enjoy each day. I am also hoping to improve on my photography skills as the year goes along. So here's my first picture! (There may be more than one each day too!)

My sister, Amber, and her boyfriend, Matt, came to visit for New Years. Amber's dog, Addie, also tagged along! She is a puggle (beagle/ pug mix). She is one of the sweetest dogs I've ever met. She never barks or growls and is always wagging her tail. She also LOVES food!! I mean who doesn't but look at her little chub! We like to call her Fatty Addie! Since Addie is never around, I never get photos of the little pooch. So here's one I took this morning before they headed back to Chi town!  Love you Fatty Addie! Love, Aunt Erin :)
Are you starting a Project 365? If so send me your link in the comments! I would love to follow you as well! Happy New Years friends!
I made an adorable layout for the Lollipop Spot blog weekly contest. This weeks theme is Christmas Day. Make sure to enter the monthly contest in order to win some cool prizes. This months prize is a free kit from the February Line. More information on the prizes can be found HERE. These lines are so cute so make sure to enter before the end of the week to be in the running!  You must use at least one item from Lollipop Press. You can use a free sketch found HERE or download the 12 Days of Christmas freebies to use. Here's my entry for the contest:
Credits: Lollipop Press - Snowflake Brushes, Sept & Blue - Merry & Bright Kit - Whimsey Tree & Wintermint Paper, Design House Digital - JenAllyson - MLChristmas title, Simple J Studio - Christmas Treasures Lights and Holly, Dewnie Designs - Christmas Treasures Kit - Christmas Ornament

Hope everyone has a Happy New Year!

I Hope everyone is having a Merry Christmas! If you want one last present, visit the Lollipop Press blog for some FREE Santa Baby Papers! These are the papers I used in a previous post to make Christmas Tags! These would be great for next year or to scrap this years Holiday photos! Check them out HERE!